Council Guidance on Business Grants Eligibility

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Council Guidance on Business Grants Eligibility


Business Grants Eligibility

City of Wolverhampton Council will start sending letters and emails from Friday 27th March 2020 to the thousands of city businesses eligible to receive grants from the Government’s Small Business Grant Fund and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund.

The communication will provide guidance about how to go online to provide information so that the following grants can be paid:

  • Small business grant funding of £10,000 for all business in receipt of small business rate relief or rural rate relief, and have a rateable value of £15,000 or less

  • Grant funding of £10,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with property with a rateable value of £15,000 or below

  • Grant funding of £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with property with a rateable value between £15,001 and £51,999

The grant funding is expected to be with the council on April 1, 2020, at which point claims can start being paid.

Councillor Harman Banger, Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: “Our small and medium businesses are critical to our local economy and we appreciate what a hugely challenging time this is for them.

“Our small and medium businesses are critical to our local economy and we appreciate what a hugely challenging time this is for them.

We are doing everything in our power to make the process of accessing these vital grants as smooth as possible and I would urge businesses to pay close to attention to the detail in the letter/email.

We have staff on hand to support with any help and advice businesses may need in completing their online applications.”

Councillor Harman Banger

Cabinet Member for City Economy

A 12-month business rates holiday for all retail, hospitality, leisure and nursery businesses in England has also been announced by the Government.

Businesses who have been identified as potential recipients of the additional business rate relief measures will be excluded from the direct debit payment request for April 1, 2020.

The council’s Business Rates Team is also taking the following steps in relation to the recovery of business rates:

  • Suspending court action for recovery of business rates after March 19

  • Issuing reminder notices to encourage contact from businesses, so that we can understand their individual situation

  • Suspending the issue of new cases for enforcement agent action

  • Negotiating repayments where possible and/or agree to a hold in recovery action for a period where businesses are struggling

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Call us on 01902 572397 or email to speak to one of our advisors for advice and guidance and to find out more on our services during this difficult time.

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Access to Business is the Wolverhampton based charity providing professional services supporting local people into employment and self-employment and also offering accredited and non-accredited training courses and office services for local businesses.


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Charity No:  1138761

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Shape Your Future with Access to Business

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Shape Your Future with Access to Business

A Public Announcement From Access to Business

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation develops, here at Access to Business we aim to continue to deliver many of our award winning employment, self-employment and training support services.

Our vital services are available via telephone, email, webinars and on-line training. Many of our programmes/courses will continue to offer support and we are accepting new referrals.

Please call Access to Business on 01902 572397 or email to access:

  • Employability Support

  • Support with Starting/Running Your Business

  • Online LIVE IT Training Webinars

  • Proper Interview Etiquette & Preparation

  • Jobsearching

  • Employability Support

  • Designing posters, business cards, birthday cards & more

  • Using spreadsheet (MS Excel)

  • Understanding how to use social media

  • Office Programmes

  • Web Analytics

  • Digital Skills for Career Growth

  • Programmes to support business growth

  • Online Safety

  • Accessing Public Services

  • Financial Budgeting Skills

  • Benefit Advice

  • Designing an App

  • And Much More!

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For Further Information

Call us on 01902 572397 or email to speak to one of our advisors for advice and guidance and to find out more about our online learning opportunities during this difficult time.


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Access to Business is the Wolverhampton based charity providing professional services supporting local people into employment and self-employment and also offering accredited and non-accredited training courses and office services for local businesses.


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Charity No:  1138761

Company No:  05084674

© 2019, Access to Business. All Rights Reserved

FISCAL Project Completion

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Employment Support

FISCAL Project Completion

Providing the opportunity to improve your IT, financial and interview skills over 3 weeks through a range of practical workshops to support you in your job search.

The Project Overview

The FISCAL Project

After an intense but rewarding 6 months, our FISCAL project has now come to an end.

Launched in August 2019 by Wolverhampton Learning Platform CIC and funded by The Black Country ESF Community Grant, its aim was to support 30 economically inactive beneficiaries with a variety of barriers to improve their skills, address and overcome their barriers, to secure employment or process into further education.

The project was carried out by the 5 partner organisations of the WLP, it focused on financial education, money management, better off in work calculations, confidence building, goal setting and targeted job search.



FISCAL Workshop

The Project Details

All-around Success!

The beneficiaries involved have shown marked improvements in their personal confidence and skill levels, this has led onto employment for some (Royal Mail, Community Care Roles, Office Admin,), volunteering for others (at Access2Business, Bridging The Gap, Kitchen Volunteer) and further education/training for many.

Success can be measured in many ways, qualifications, employment, are of course important, however the softer outcomes such as confidence building, teamwork, goal setting can make a difference in people’s lives. Building their self-esteem and self-belief, can go a long way to help find the employment they are looking for.

The Fiscal project helped in these areas as it was able to devote more time to support clients as a group or on 1-2-1 basis, in addition, the group developed a strong supportive bond and helped each other where needed.

During this program, 30 beneficiaries have been supported, with 7/8 of these going into paid employment, another 17 have progressed into further education or training to continue their journey towards employment.

FISCAL Workshop

FISCAL Workshop

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Jobs Fair at Change Makers Hub

Jobs Fair at Change Makers Hub

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Access to Business is the Wolverhampton based charity providing professional services supporting local people into employment and self-employment and also offering accredited and non-accredited training courses and office services for local businesses.


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Charity No:  1138761

Company No:  05084674

© 2019, Access to Business. All Rights Reserved