The Inclusive Futures programme aims to give those most in need, the opportunities that are available online. These opportunities could be better deals on goods, financial services or energy companies. It could be better access to NHS online, Universal Credit or HMRC services. We want to equip people with the tools, knowledge and confidence to make better, informed decisions about money and their personal circumstances.
The Inclusive Futures project will provide 1-2-1 support and/or small group Digital Skills and Financial/Budgeting training to address and break down barriers that prevent beneficiaries from being socially, financially and digitally included. The project also offers opportunities to progress onto further learning, volunteering or employment, all made possible by the beneficiary becoming confident online.
Without access to mainstream financial services and tools, the impacts of financial and digital exclusion are profound. Not only do people pay more for goods and services and have reduced choice, but it can also affect education, employment, health, housing and overall wellbeing. With the pandemic further highlighting the crucial importance of digital and financial skills, with more and more basic services moving online, we want to ensure we build the capacity of organisations that help more people in our communities become digitally and financially empowered, creating better opportunities for their future.
Our “Inclusive Futures” programme is delivered over 2 sessions held at our city centre premises with optional further support available and the opportunity to move onto accredited training.
The individual sessions normally take place on a Thursday and Friday mornings, but full information and dates will be discussed at the initial contact.
Charity No: 1138761
Company No: 05084674
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